Peter Jackson's Weta Digital Has Launched an Animation Division


Director Peter Jackson is best known for his beautifully epic films like his The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, King Kong, and his 2018 World War I documentary, They Shall Not Grow Old. Jackson has his own special effects company to create the incredible visuals we see on screen, and now that company, Weta Digital, has expanded to launch an animation division.

Variety reports that Jackson has hired industry veteran Prem Akkaraju to serve as its chief executive officer. Owners Jackson and Fran Walsh said creating animation is part of their long-held dream, and they are both looking forward to writing, producing, and directing “several animated projects for the company.”

Jackson said in a statement:

“We are huge fans of animated storytelling in all of its forms, but it can be a long, protracted, and often costly way to make movies. That’s, in part, why we have created this company – to change the model and open the doors to filmmakers and storytellers who might not otherwise be given the chance to show what they can do.”

Sean Parker of Napster and Facebook fame has joined the company as vice chairman of the board. He has always had an eye for businesses on the rise. This will undoubtedly be a good company that will turn out some great projects. Keep an eye out and we will let you know when we hear more about what they have planned.

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