Peter Parker’s SPIDER-MAN 3 Dance Scene Is Even More Awkward with No Music

Sam Rami’s Spider-Man 3 started out as a great film, but it ended up losing me halfway through when Peter Parker weirdly goes emo. The most awkward part of the movie is when he weirdly dances down the streets of New York.

That scene just got even more creepily awkward with a video in which the music is removed and replaced with realistic audio. The video comes from Mix Minus, and it’s incredibly amusing. You know what, though? This just seems like something you might really see in New York City. Enjoy!

Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) decided it would be a great idea to strut his stuff down a busy New York Street. Take away the fun jazzy music and you are left with something... well... painful. -Mix Minus- Ever wonder how famous movie scenes would work if you removed the epic music?

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