Peyton Reed Teases Yellowjacket is Alive and May Return
Let’s be honest, Yellowjacket was not the most memorable villain in the MCU. If you think about it, he’s a copy of Obadiah Stane from Iron Man. I just rewatched Ant-Man in preparation of seeing Ant-Man and the Wasp, and I had a hard time remembering how he lost in the end. However, we may need to keep him in the back of our minds as the director of the two Ant-Man movies, Peyton Reed, is hinting that Yellowjacket may return. When people were telling him that the villain was easily disposable, he responded with this:
“Well, I mean, you guys are making a massive assumption. There’s an assumption here that I’m not quite comfortable with. If you watch his death in the first Ant-Man, the suit is compromised...he shrinks and goes into a thing. I mean, he could be somewhere down there in that quantum realm.”
Personally, I don’t care about seeing Darren Cross again in the MCU. He played an important role in Ant-Man and was very forgettable. I know Marvel is teasing further exploration into the Quantum Realm, but I’d be fine if Yellowjacket either didn’t show up or was a brief cameo. Let’s work on getting more memorable villains like Killmonger and Thanos in this Universe instead of revisiting not-so-great villains! Do you want to see Yellowjacket again?
Source: CBM