Photo From the David Ayer Cut of SUICIDE SQUAD Features Harley Quinn and Deadshot Kissing


Director David Ayer never got to give audiences his true vision of Suicide Squad. There’s a cut of the film that he presented to Warner Bros. but the suits had another vision of the film, and that original version was "ripped to pieces" by them. According to Ayer, the movie scared the shit out of the studio executives. He previously said:

“It's frustrating because I made a really heartfelt drama and it got ripped to pieces and they tried to turn it into Deadpool, which it just wasn't supposed to be. And then you take the hit, you're the captain of the ship, my name was on it. [Laughs] Even though it didn't represent what I actually made, I would take all the bullets and be a good soldier. I made an amazing movie. It's an amazing movie, it just scared the shit out of the executives."

I would have loved to see this original version of the movie, but Warner Bros. has no plans to share it. But, we do have a new image from it to share with you today, and it features a cut scene where Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn is killing Will Smith’s Deadshot.

The script for this scene also leaked out, and David Ayer confirmed that these script pages are legit:

Ayer recently shared a heartfelt open letter about his film and his life, and when talking about Suicide Squad, he said:

"I put my life into Suicide Squad. I made something amazing. My cut is intricate and emotional journey with some bad people who are shit on and discarded (a theme that resonates in my soul). The studio cut is not my movie. Read that again. And my cut is not the 10 week director's cut – it's a fully mature edit by Lee Smith standing on the incredible work by John Gilroy. It’s all Steven Price's brilliant score, with not a single radio song in the whole thing. It has traditional character arcs, amazing performances, a solid third-act resolution. A handful of people have seen it."

It’s a shame that the WB isn’t considering releasing this version of the film because there are a lot of fans that would love to see it.

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