Pizza Hut Just Made A Pizza Box That Doubles As A Movie Projector — GeekTyrant

Pizza Hut Just Made A Pizza Box That Doubles As A Movie Projector

Gear Pizza by Ben Pearson

I realize that this is little more than a ploy for attention from Pizza Hut, but with an idea this ridiculous, I'll go ahead and give them what they want. The restaurant has just created a new pizza box that doubles as a movie projector — with a little help from you and your smart phone. Here's how it works: remove the perforated circle in the side of the box, attach the provided lens (which doubles as a pizza table), scan a QR code, and place your phone inside the box pointing at the lens. Since the image is being blown up from a projection from your phone, the quality is almost certainly going to be total crap, so I can't imagine anyone actually setting out to do this for anything other than sheer curiosity's sake – especially considering how affordable real projectors are becoming and the proliferation of high quality flat-screen TVs.

As of right now, the "Blockbuster Box" is only being rolled out in Hong Kong. Take a look at the video below to see it in action:

Via: The Verge

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