It seems like anything can be remade in Minecraft these days. I still have never tried as I just don't have the time an patience for it, but I do have the time to play Titanfall! The latest example of a really cool looking Minecraft remake is Ironfall which is a version of Titanfall, and it looks like a lot of fun. The creators of the game had this to say:
"When we saw Titanfall, we knew right away that we would have to try and remake it, to the best of our abilities, in Minecraft. This is Ironfall, the product of that idea."
Ironfall works like an Attrition match from Titanfall. Basically two teams of eight pilots score points by killing each other, and the first team to reach 100 points wins game.
Players can even call down their own style of Titan mechs that they call Golems. It drops down from the sky, and you can then climb inside of it. When you do, you get new weapons and you lose your ability to jump.
You can check out a video walkthrough of the Ironfall mod below!