PlayStation Now: 5 RPGs The Service Needs

Games Lists by Matthew Mueller

Last week, Sony announced a new subscription program for PlayStation Now, and while it is a step in the right direction, the service is still missing a lot of the classics that would make such a service desirable - especially on PS4. Since RPGs are my preferred genre, as well as the fact that outside of Nintendo most RPGs call PlayStation their home anyway, here are the 5 RPGs the service needs in order to bring me (and hopefully many others) on board. 

Final Fantasy Tactics

The game is a classic, and at this point it's been ported to almost every Sony system imaginable, but that doesn't necessarily matter. If you're going to have a service like this, Tactics deserves to be there. The gameplay and Job system still hold up, and the graphics are still charming despite their age. I would include the redone PSP version's cinematics to boot.

Suikoden 2/Suikoden 5

Suikoden 2 has already made its presence felt on the sales charts, so it should be a no-brainer. Suikoden 5, on the other hand, isn't as well known, but still ranks as one of the best in the series. Both of these titles showcase the franchise's best features and contain a widely varied and entertaining cast. Even if we only got these two, I would be a happy camper. 

(This is just for giggles, but man, cover art has come a long way.)

Tales of Xillia/Xillia 2

When Final Fantasy dropped the ball with XIII, there was a console-filled void when it came to JRPGs. Namco Bandai picked it up and hasn't dropped it yet. The Tales games have just gotten better and better, and Xillia is everything I love about JRPGs presented with slick UI and with characters that you enjoy spending 80-plus hours with. Go ahead and include both in the set, and you have a surefire winner. 

Saga Frontier 2

Square's Saga series never truly gained a foothold here in America, though Square did try its best. While the first one was rather forgettable, Saga Frontier 2 was anything but. With its beautiful (even by today's standards) watercolor graphic palette, and its unique generational story, Frontier 2 is a game that would benefit from the many new eyes that PS Now can bring, and is a world most definitely worth going back to. 

Breath of Fire 3

Capcom's most recent entries have tried to bring unique spins to the RPG genre with mixed results, but Breath Of Fire III is a turn-based RPG through and through, and that's a good thing. A colorful cast of party members and a very traditional but still engaging story await gamers who give it a chance. The soundtrack was probably pretty good too, but I don't rmember it, mostly because I was just listening to K-Ci & JoJo's "All My Life" on constant blast. Not really sure why - it was a rough time, okay!?

So, what do you think of the list? Let us know in the comments which RPGs you would like to see. 

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