Pokemon and DeNA Project Revealed to Be POKEMON MASTERS
This next bit of news is probably my favorite from the Pokémon press conference. The collaboration project from The Pokémon Company and DeNA was finally revealed to be a new mobile game called Pokémon Masters. This game takes all the trainers (I’m guessing only core trainers like Elite Four members, gym leaders, rivals, etc., not Youngster Joey) from all the core RPGs and puts them into a single game presumably to fight each other. We were given very few details, but based on the gameplay we saw, it looks like you choose three trainers such as Brock, Misty, and Blue, and fight another team of three trainers. I thought it was hilarious when in the trailer we see Brock lose his shirt during an attack which I’m sure is a nod to the early Pokémon games when Brock didn’t have a shirt at all.
Pokémon Masters will be available on Android and iOS later in 2019, and we were promised more details this June. My guess would be at or around E3. My current team of trainers would probably be Morty from Gold and Silver, Falkner from Gold and Silver, and Flannery from Ruby and Sapphire. Who do you want to use?