Postcards From Gotham City, King's Landing, and More Fictional Locations

Art Postcards by Ben Pearson

I don't have any specific numbers to back this up, but I can't imagine that the postcard industry is booming right now. People hardly ever take the time to craft hand-written correspondence anymore, and I'm guessing if you showed a postcard to a group of kids, at least half of them wouldn't even know what the heck you were supposed to do with it. Nowadays, it's all about taking your own photos and blasting them all over social networks, and you can tag someone in it if you want to make sure they see it.

But what if you can't actually visit some destinations, but are wondering what the tourism market is like there? is here to help, and they've sent us a link to some cool postcards they've designed for fictional places like Mos Eisley, Frozen's Arendelle, and more. Check them out below and let us know what you think.

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