PRIDE AND PREJUDICE AND ZOMBIES Full Trailer: This Movie Now Has My Attention
I've never read Seth Grahame-Smith's Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and I've somehow missed all of the marketing for the film adaptation so far, but when the movie was announced, I rolled my eyes at the concept and thought it'd be just another silly zombie movie with nothing to offer outside of its goofy premise. But this full trailer for the film reveals that there's much more going on here than just slicing through the undead.
For whatever reason, the concept of modern feminism is still lost on some people, but I think it's great that even a movie with an outlandish premise like this appears to be an empowering film for women. In the current Hollywood landscape, in which female characters are often nothing more than objects of the male lead's affection or sidelined with little to no bearing on the plot, it's cool to see a movie that gives a bunch of women the ability to kick ass while not overtly sexualizing them at the same time. Sure, this is just a trailer, and we won't know how the film itself actually handles these ideas until we see it in its entirety, but even a trailer that does something as simple as proudly giving women some agency sadly seems almost revolutionary right now. This is a step in the right direction, and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies suddenly became a lot more interesting to me.
The film hits theaters on February 5th, 2016.