Process of How Hot Toys Action Figures Are Created Revealed in Video

We all love the collectible action figures that are created by Hot Toys. They are the coolest and most detailed figures being made right now. Just in case you're wondering about the process of achieving that realistic look of the collectibles, we have a behind-the-scenes video that gives you a look at the creation process, and how things at the company works. 

According to JC Hong, president of Hot Toys production in South Korea, if you want a job at Hot Toys, all you have to do is start posting your work online. He says that If you’re good enough, someone from the company will see it and get a hold of you. 

As a fan of the toys Hot Toys creates, I found this video fascinating and informative. Check it out!

'어벤져스2'의 개봉이 다가오면서 아이언맨, 헐크등 영화 속 주인공의 피규어 제품도 같이 주목받고 있다. 실제 크기의 1/6 크기로 만들어지는 피규어 제품들은 진짜보다 더 진짜 같아서 보는 사람들의 탄성을 자아내게 만든다. 핫토이즈 코리아 프로덕션의 홍진철 대표이사는 "하나의 피규어를 만드는데 짧게는 3개월~6개월, 길면 1년이 걸린다"고 말했다.

Source:  The Story Plus (via: Kotaku)

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