Q&A with Brennan Lee Muligan About D&D and DIMENSION 20
I was recently gifted the opportunity to ask some questions of Brennan Lee Mulligan who is the DM on the Actual Play show Dimension 20 on DROPOUT. The first season features many of the cast from College Humor and the second season will once again have many College Humor members along with others. The full cast includes Erika Ishii, Matt Mercer, Ify Nwadiwe, Rekha Shankar, Mike Trapp, and Amy Vorpahl. If you want to watch the first half of the first season of Dimension 20 it is available on YouTube and you can learn more from my previous post about the series, however, it feels like you don’t need the first season to get into the second as it features a brand new cast.
Below you’ll find my brief Q&A with Mulligan and his answers were delightful. I’m going to be looking forward to trying out the second season, dubbed Escape from the Bloodkeep, when it releases on April 30.
Do you prefer to be a DM or a player?
What's your favorite part of being a DM?
Have you ever dealt with not all players making it to a session? How did you handle that?
How much do you prepare ahead of a session and how much do you change/make up on the spot?
How does it feel being a DM for someone as big in the D&D community as Matt Mercer?
Do you have a favorite player to DM for?