Quentin Tarantino Names His Favorite Tense Scene From Any of His Movies

Director Quentin Tarantino is known for his unique style of filmmaking, with smart, wordy dialogue, and ultra bloody violence. He also specializes in scenes which build the tension between his characters, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. When Tarantino was asked by the Spanish publication El País (via FarOut Magazine), the filmmaker responded:

“The one from the farm at the beginning of Inglourious Basterds. With the Nazi officer Hans Landa talking to the owner of the farm, who is hiding Jews in his cellar.” 

Continuing, the director spoke about his knack for creating tension, stating:

“I don’t know how to explain it. I have a talent for it…It’s easy for me to create those situations where the characters start talking and things fall into place and there’s a climax. You throw a ball to the actors and they catch it.” 

That’s an intense scene, for sure, but my favorite is the dinner scene in Django Unchained between Jamie Foxx‘s Django, Christoph Waltz’s Dr. King Schultz, and Leonardo DiCaprio’s Calvin Candie, with Samuel L. Jackson’s Stephen and Kerry Washington’s Broomhilda adding to the scene. Both Tarantino’s favorite scene as well as mine feature Christoph Waltz, so I have to give credit to him for building such incredible characters, each so different from one another, yet so poignant and gripping.

What’s your favorite tense scene in a Quentin Tarantino movie? Check out the one from Inglourious Basterds below:

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