Quentin Tarantino’s Final Film Won’t Happen Anytime Soon, and He Explains Why

Quentin Tarantino fans will need to implement some serious patience in their lives as the filmmaker recently revealed that his highly anticipated final film isn’t going into production anytime soon.

While speaking at the Sundance Film Festival, Tarantino explained why he’s not rushing into his tenth and supposedly last movie.

He said: “I’m in no hurry to actually jump into production. I’ve been doing that for 30 years. Next month, my son turns five, and I have a two-and-a-half-year-old daughter. When I’m in America, I’m writing. When I’m in Israel? I’m an abba, which means father.”

Tarantino plans to wait until his kids are old enough to understand what’s happening on set before diving back into filmmaking.

“The idea of jumping on a voyage when they’re too young to understand it is not enticing to me. I kind of want to not do whatever movie I end up doing until my son is at least six. That way, he’ll know what’s going on, he’ll be there, and it will be a memory for the rest of his life.”

This means Tarantino’s final film could still be a few years away. Speculation has swirled around what that movie will be, but I think it’s cool that he wants to include his kids in the process and let them have that experience!

For a while, it seemed like his tenth film would be The Movie Critic, a 1970s period piece centered on a cynical film critic, with stars like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise reportedly in the mix.

But Tarantino scrapped the project, choosing to start fresh. Before that, there was even talk of him tackling a Star Trek movie, written by Mark L. Smith. The script was described as “balls-out,” but Tarantino decided against letting a franchise film serve as his last movie.

Tarantino has long been vocal about his plan to retire after ten films, citing a belief that directors don’t improve as they age. He previously said: “I want to go out on a high note.” He wants his final act to be something extraordinary, both for himself and his audience.

I just want to point out that Tarantino can continue to give his kids that movie making experience for years to come. He doesn’t have to stop making movies after his tenth film!

Via: Variety

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