Quiznos Brings Back Its Deranged Spongmonkey Mascots for a New Commercial

HumorVideos Image Safe by Joey Paur

Quiznos had one the weirdest and most ridiculous mascots ever with the deranged-looking Spongmonkey rodents. The Quizo commercials used to have these things in all of their commercials up until 2005. Quiznos ended up filing for bankruptcy in 2014 and proceeding to close more than 4,000 locations.

Well, there are a few remaining Quizno shops out there in the world, and all of a sudden, from out of nowhere the Spongmonkey is back in action in a funny new commercial announcing that they are bringing Quiznos back.

CEO Tim Casey said in the statement. "The Spongmonkeys were last seen in 2005, when they were loved and hated in roughly equal measure. The return of the brand's most famous mascots, the Spongmonkeys, marks the resurgence of Quiznos."

The Spongmonkey was originally created by U.K. animator Joel Veitch, and it would annoyingly sing about the things they enjoy, which included Quiznos' various products.

Veitch explained in a recent interview with Eater. "I didn't expect Quiznos to get back in touch, but I was so pleased they did. I was over the moon. My experience of the mayhem that was making these commercials originally was just unbridled joy. Really, really good fun. And I've enjoyed the way that they've continued to have a life afterward."

Enjoy the new commercial! I actually liked Quizno sandwiches, but I don’t remember the last time I had one.

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