R2-D2 Infrared-Projecting Keyboard

Gear Star Wars by Eli Reyes

In the Star Wars films, R2-D2 could project hologram messages — a heads up on who Darth Vader was would have been nice, too… your memory wasn’t wiped, you jerk! For this mini R2-D2 peripheral, the trusty droid can’t project holograms, but he does project an infrared keyboard. The R2-D2 Virtual Keyboard also makes classic sound effects when you power him on and off, and as you type or change the volume. The QWERTY keyboard connects via Bluetooth 3.0 to any compatible device (iOS, Android, Windows 7/8, OSX).

The price for the infrared-projecting keyboard is a little steep, coming in at $330 from Runatown. To see the product in action and to hear all the VREET-DOOOOP and BREET-WOOs (transcribed perfectly, I know), check out the video below.

2015年にEpisode7の公開が決定し、急激な盛り上がりをみせる『スター・ウォーズ』 このEpisode7を皮切りに新たな三部作が幕を開けます。 これまでのEpisode1~6の全編に登場する大人気のドロイド『R2-D2』は、Episode7にもキャスティング済。 そんな世界中のファンから愛されるR2-D2をモチーフにした『バーチャルキーボード』(投影式キーボード)が遂に登場!! ...

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