Rad Official X-Wing Art for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS
Some incredibly cool art has surfaced for J.J. Abrams' Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and they feature the awesome new X-Wing designs that will be used in the film. Although I guess they aren't really "new," as they are based on previous designs for the original Star Wars films created by Ralph McQuarrie.
The art was posted by artist Robert Bailey, who is a licensed Star Wars and Disney artist. The names of the two pieces you see here are "Attacking Force" and "Low Level Attack." One of them was obviously inspired by the scene in the trailer. Or was the scene in the trailer inspired by the art? Either way it's still incredibly cool-looking!
Apparently, George Lucas came across Bailey’s aviation art website and liked his work so much that he asked him to work on Star Wars. That must have been a pretty awesome day for the artist!
Thanks to starwars7news for the heads up!