Radical Animated Action Short Film SAMURAI FROG GOLF!

I’ve got an awesome animated short film for you to watch today titled Samurai Frog Golf! This is an action-packed and thrilling short that has a very cool animation style and it tells a little fun story. I just love the who energy of it and the way the animation and story just flow. This so good!

In the story, “A retired frog samurai wants nothing more than to be left alone and spend his remaining years in peace on the golf course. But when he unwillingly becomes the protector of a baby turtle he must draw his club for one more round. An animated amphibious adventure for golfers of all ages.”

The short was created by Brent Forrest and he has a talented team of people helping him bring his vision to life. Short of the Week Curator and Co. Founder Jason Sondhi said of the film:

"As a whimsical, pretty, and excitingly kinetic action short film, Samurai Frog Golf delivers truth in its advertising…Whether it is a strong basis for a long-running televised serial? That is a more challenging question, but I would be intrigued to find out.”

Now, check it out and tell us what you think!

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