RAINBOW SIX: SIEGE Hands On Impressions - E3 2015
I’m still reeling from the cancellation of Rainbow Six: Patriots. I was really looking forward to the moral conundrum of taking down fellow Americans who have gone from citizen to homegrown terrorist overnight.
I was looking forward to a title that looked at the difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist, but alas, that game will never be. Instead we’re given Rainbow Six: Siege. Siege isn’t necessarily a bad game — in fact, it’s quite good. The gameplay is deep and tactical. Every second counts and one false move can spell the end for you. Communication and teamwork are key, if you try to lone wolf it you will fail miserably and earn the ire of your “teammates.” The classes didn't feel all that different to me, but they all had their own special gadget.
My biggest gripe with Rainbow Six: Siege is that it doesn’t feel like a triple A title. It feels like a downloadable title, which isn’t bad, but that’s not how the game is being marketed. There seems to be little to no variety in regards to modes. It feels like a cash in on the Rainbow Six name. The game gets very repetitive very fast, and without a solid campaign I can see this title quickly fading into obscurity on the market. I hope I’m wrong, though.
I love Rainbow Six, I have had many great times with this series, but I think it deserves better than this. Rainbow Six: Siege will be released on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC on October 13, 2015.