Ray Park is Reportedly Confident in OBI-WAN KENOBI Movie Happening

First things first. Obi-Wan: A Star Wars Story has not been officially confirmed or announced by Lucasfilm. Everything we've heard has technically all been rumor. That being said, according to one fan, we may have some reason to believe there’s a real possibility of it happening. According to David Weiser, he met Ray Park who played Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace at a convention and Park “strongly implied that a Kenobi movie will happen.”

I would be so freaking happy if Kenobi became a reality. While I fully support exploring new characters and storylines, I have a soft spot for Obi-Wan who is my favorite character in all of Star Wars with the possible exception of Revan beating him. Of course, if this report is true, it sounds like Park would make an appearance as the zabrak Darth Maul again. Maybe they’d bring this awesome fight from Rebels to life.

Darth Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi face off for the final time. Official Site: http://www.disneyxd.com Click the SUBSCRIBE button to get notifications when new Disney XD videos are posted! Like Disney XD on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisneyXD Follow @DisneyXD on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DisneyXD Follow @DisneyXD on Instagram: http://instagram.com/DisneyXD Click the SUBSCRIBE button to get notifications when new Disney XD videos are posted!

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