Recut Version of Darren Aronofsky's THE FOUNTAIN Uses Graphic Novel as Inspiration
I consider The Fountain to be Darren Aronofsky's best work. It's a masterpiece of visual storytelling infused with emotion, heart, amazing practical effects, and a colliding narrative that spans thousands of years. It also doesn't fully spell things out for the audience, leaving enough room for multiple interpretations of the film. If you haven't seen it, or even if you've only seen it once, I'd highly recommend checking it out, because it definitely rewards repeat viewings.
The Film Stage tracked down a fan cut of the movie (via Reddit) that reworks Aronofsky's film to fit more in line with the graphic novel that accompanied its release back in 2006. Here's a brief statement from Paul Herrin, who released this version on YouTube:
Darren Aronofsky's "The Fountain" recut/remix following the graphic novel storyline.
I hope this provides an additional perspective of the film to better understand the impact of non-linear narrative in post-literate visual storytelling experience.
Thematic, structural, and spatio-temporal philosophic shaping motifs make rich analysis alongside deeply spiritual and transcendent audio-visual poetics in "The Fountain".