Retro Trailer For The 1981 ALIEN-Ripoff Sci-Fi Horror Film GALAXY OF TERROR

This week’s retro trailer is for the 1981 sci-fi horror thriller Galaxy of Terror. The movie was directed by Bruce D. Clark, and the movie gained notoriety for its eerie atmospherics and gruesome set pieces, often drawing comparisons to Ridley Scott's Alien which preceded it.

The story revolves around the crew of the spaceship Quest, who are dispatched by the enigmatic "Planet Master" to the desolate planet Morganthus to rescue survivors from a missing ship. However, upon their arrival, they find the remnants of the prior crew and encounter a series of nightmarish challenges. It becomes evident that the planet is not what it seems; instead, it manifests an individual's deepest fears and phobias, making them face it in terrifyingly real scenarios. As the crew members are picked off one by one, they must come to grips with their personal demons and discover the true nature of the planet before they all meet their demise.

The film, while made on a modest budget, became infamous for its unsettling visuals and gruesome deaths. The cast included Erin Moran and Robert Englund. I’ve got a couple of different trailers below for you to watch, one of which was released under the film’s original title Mindwarp. Enjoy!

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