Marvel Comics are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Man-Thing with the new Curse of the Man-Thing 3-part miniseries. The first part is available now in Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing #1. The comic is written by Steven Orlando with art by Marco Failla. Marvel was kind enough to supply me with a digital copy of the 38-page comic to review, but you can get your physical copies from your local comic shops and digital copies from the Marvel Comics app and comiXology (affiliate link).

BURN AT THE TOUCH OF THE HARROWER! Critically acclaimed writer Steve Orlando (Martian Manhunter, Batman, Wonder Woman) makes his Marvel debut with a blockbuster celebration of MAN-THING’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY! For decades, the Man-Thing has haunted the Florida Everglades. Now a new enemy has hijacked his body on a quest to take his incendiary abilities global! We wake to fear as gargantuan monoliths menace cities worldwide, with only the AVENGERS standing between the population of Earth and a planetwide inferno. Can they save Man-Thing in time to douse the fires? And does the man inside the thing, TED SALLIS, even want to be saved? Introducing a sensational new villain, THE HARROWER! PART 1 of 3!

One thing that I appreciate about this comic is that there’s a little bit of exposition available on the title page to help provide a little bit of background information for newcomers. I would say that overall, the writing is okay. I wouldn’t say that it’s incredible by any means, but it’s not bad. The story is cohesive and the heroes seem like themselves. The new villain, Harrower, isn’t that interesting in my opinion. She suffers from the classic case of humanity does bad things and therefore deserves to be wiped out. At least that’s what her motivation appears to be at the moment.

I personally don’t care for the art in Avengers: Curse of the Man-Thing, but I know there are a lot of people who love this style. I would argue that the art and color are both objectively good. It’s just a matter of personal taste.

The fight continues on April 28 in Spider-Man: Curse of the Man-Thing #1 available to pre-order now on comiXology (affiliate link) and anywhere else you buy Marvel Comics.

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