Review: BEASTS & BEHEMOTHS is Yet Another Great Entry in the YOUNG ADVENTURER'S GUIDE Series
The fifth entry in the Young Adventurer’s Guides series of book by Jim Zub, Stacy King, and Andrew Wheeler was just recently released. The entry is called Beasts & Behemoths and it is here to help newer and younger players to become acquainted with a variety of creatures. Penguin Random House was kind enough to send me a copy which you can purchase from your favorite book stores including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Target.
In this book, creatures are mostly divided by size, although there are some subdivisions. For instance, Lycanthropes is a subsection of the Medium portion and Metallic Dragons are there in the Large & Huge category. Each beast is given roughly a one-page illustration with some notes and then a one-page description to help familiarize readers with their habitat, skills, etc. This is a great little encyclopedia just like the other books in the series.
In addition, there are specific famous creatures like the legendary demilich Acerark or the legendary sphinx Queen Luluah. Also, there are some encounters provided to show how a party might deal with some of these creatures and to prompt readers to think about what they just read and how they might handle the encounter.
Beasts & Behemoths is another great entry in the Young Adventurer’s Guide series of books. It’s easy to read, quick to read, and the art is great. I would definitely consider getting this for some younger people interested in learning more about the lore and world of Dungeons & Dragons.