Review: CYBERPUNK 2077: YOU HAVE MY WORD #1 Brings the World to Comics
This week, Dark Horse Comics released Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word #1. This new comic series comes from writer Bartosz Sztybor, artist Jesus Hervas, and colorist Giulia Brusco with letters by Frank Cvetkovic. It takes place in the same world as CD Projekt Red’s now infamous game Cyberpunk 2077. Dark Horse was kind enough to supply me with a review copy of the comic, and it’s an interesting one. You can grab your own copy from your local comic shop, comiXology (affiliate link), or wherever you like to buy comics.
A new urban development proposal is being pushed through city council-- a flagrant infraction on those safeguarded by the Valentinos gang. They enlist the service of three cyberpunks to discreetly and strategically terminate the project, but their subject is more than an ordinary target.
You Have My Word does some things well. First, I really like Hervas’ art. It’s really great for the comic. The comic also does a great job of bringing the world of Cyberpunk 2077 to the comics. The characters all feel like they would fit in perfectly into the game as do the environments. Also, the story works so far. We follow a lady named Oriona as she tries working with the Valentinos to stop Militech from screwing over their neighborhood. She has mysterious connections to Militech to help them out, and all things seem to go well. It’s all very Cyberpunk.
Overall, You Have My Word is a good start to the comic series. It’s well written, well illustrated, well colored, and everything fits. I don’t really have any complaints as I’m sure many of my questions will be answered as the series continues. If you’re wanting more Cyberpunk 2077 or want to explore the world without playing the game, this is a decent way to do that.