Review: I WANT TO EAT YOUR PANCREAS is a Good Anime Romantic Drama
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is an interesting movie. First, if you’re unfamiliar with the title, it is not about zombies, nor cannibalism. It’s a romantic drama set in modern day and is about a girl with a pancreatic disease (they never elaborate on it) and her making a new friend in the recluse in her class.
Overall the film is actually a lot of fun and it can be cute at times. Of course, there’s a number of moments when you ask yourself “why don’t the parents of these kids know anything about what’s happening,” but what movie doesn’t have those. There were two moments in particular that I didn’t like. One just seemed really out of place and the other was just a trippy 5-minute scene that was very anime, and a little weird.
I don’t want to spoil anything, but a fair number of things that may not make sense in the movie, will make sense at the end. Not everything, but enough where I left the film satisfied. I also want to give everyone the heads up to stay after the credits as there is a great post-credits scene.
If you love anime and enjoy dramas, I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is a fantastic film with amazing animation.
Fathom Events will be airing I Want to Eat Your Pancreas for two nights coming up. On February 7 fans will be able to watch the subbed version while the dubbed version will be aired on February 10. Be sure to check the Fathom site to check availability and purchase tickets.