Review: LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Will Take You On An Emotional Rollercoaster — GeekTyrant

Review: LIFE IS STRANGE: TRUE COLORS Will Take You On An Emotional Rollercoaster


Life Is Strange: True Colors has been an amazing game to play. I haven’t played any of the other Life Is Strange games, so I can’t attest to how well it stacks up to past titles, but it stands strong on its own merit. The graphics look great, the music adds so much depth to the story, and the story itself is both intriguing and very emotional. This will be a spoiler free review since I want you guys to be able to experience all the plot points for the first time as you play through the game.

This game is beautiful to look at, the backgrounds and people all look great. My only complaint is people’s hair still looks a little blocky and their movements are not quite as smooth in some motions. Those things aside, watching and playing looks like a long cut scene, the transitions between the actual cutscenes and gameplay are flawless, there’s no huge discrepancy graphics wise. 

The music is really mellow indie style which fits in very well with the emotional nature of the game. Since it’s all about emotion and Alex’s journey in exploring her emotion reading powers, it makes sense that the music would need to be equally emotional. There are moments of zen throughout the game where a song matching the moment plays while players get to enjoy watching various views of the scenery. It’s a nice moment to be able to reflect on whatever plot point is happening at the moment, and you can make it as long or as short as you want, which I really appreciate. 

The story is the main reason to play this game. I love a good story line in a game and this one delivers. I don’t want to give away anything, but the journey you go on with Alex as she learns more about herself and her abilities, and then especially how you use those abilities is great. It takes its time as it builds up so you have time to actually care about all the characters by the time major things happen to them. I like games that let you make choices that affect plot and gameplay, but most of the time it is really black and white. That is definitely not the case here, I spent a lot of time on some of the big decisions because there is no obviously right choice and I loved it. It adds a layer of realism to the game, and at the end of each chapter you can see what percent of other people made the same choice as you, or you can see what choices you missed making like I did in some chapters. This game is like playing through one giant cutscene which can make it really hard to put down. The story will take you through a wide range of emotions, you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder why you do these things to yourself. I’m still just blown away at the vulnerable human moments you go through in this game. 

Overall, this game is excellent. It’s not a huge action game, but very heavy on the story. So if you enjoy games for their cutscenes and great story lines, then definitely check this game out, I give it a 10/10.

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