Review: Prove Your Worth In GODS WILL FALL


In most video games, a player will control one average hero in order to take down creatures, demons, and even gods. But why only use one? Gods Will Fall gives players a small crew of characters to go through small dungeons to take down epic and intense monsters.

This game is a little hard to classify as a genre, there are some action RPG elements, roguelike elements, and adventure game elements. But the breakdown of the game is that players have several characters with varying stats and weapons that go through a miniature dungeon and take on a “God“ at the very end. Players will pick up opponents’ weapons and additional health through an aggression/kill system in order to have a chance to make it through to the end. The variety of characters isn’t as diverse as I would’ve hoped, but it is enough to allow players to stick with and try new play styles. The other major component of the game is when a boss is defeated, that’s when the character's stats will grow. Characters also have specific and unique relationships and reactions to various events. For example, if a character is killed, another one might get a taste for vengeance and get a huge stat increase or become discouraged and lose stats for a time. These extra bits of involvement and interaction adds a lot of personality to the game and weight to various actions and outcomes.

The moment to moment combat is very hit and miss. Sometimes parrys, hits and dodges worked perfectly, and other times they seemed to not register or not connect properly. It doesn’t happen so much but it ruins the game, but it does frustrate and discourage enough to be noticeable. The weapons are all surprisingly different, I just wish that there were more of them. The general lack of variety in those weapons does make gameplay feel a little stale after an hour or two of gameplay.

What is surprising though was the variety of enemies. In many of the small dungeons, there is a surprisingly different way to approach each enemy, and they will attack and approach you differently too. This adds a lot of variety and fresh gameplay in contrast to the lack of variety in weapons and characters. Along with the minions, a big part of the game is the various boss battles. They are brutal and pretty unforgiving. When a player loses to a boss, you have to pick a new character on the outside and then decide to go back into that dungeon, go through all of its platforming (which is minimal), fight all the little enemies, and then approach the boss again. This makes learning boss mechanics and beating them a bit of a slog. Boss fights are fairly fun and will test experienced gamers. Players will need a lot of dedication to make it through a lot of the game.

This game is surprisingly tough and asks a lot of the players in mostly good ways. The lack of variety in characters in weapons holds it back a little bit, but the grueling bosses and bunches of enemies make most of the game’s experience pretty good. They have planned for free DLC in the coming months and other updates to add more content, but as for now, the game is a good adventure game that demands dedication and skill.

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