Review: STRANGE DARLING Is Not at All What I Expected and It's a Great Freakin' Movie!

Strange Darling is not at all what I thought it would be—this movie surprised the hell out of me in the best possible way. I had certain expectations in my head prior to seeing the movie. I thought I knew what the story would be and how it would play out. But, boy, was I wrong!

This film completely subverted those expectations and took me on one hell of a wild and savage ride that I did not see coming.

The story is set in the rugged, isolated landscape of rural Oregon, and it introduces us to a seemingly straightforward premise: a man and a woman engage in what appears to be a fleeting one-night stand.

But things quickly spiral into something far darker as the movie morphs into a brutal, high-stakes game of cat and mouse.

It's a gritty tale of murder, manipulation, and survival, with twists that constantly keep you on edge. What initially seems like a conventional thriller becomes a deeply unsettling and twisted psychological nightmare.

One thing that stands out right away is how violent and raw Strange Darling is. But, the brutality isn't just for shock value as every act of violence serves the story, pushing the characters to their limits and revealing deeper layers to their psyche.

It’s savage, yes, but it's also crucial to the storytelling, making each violent and bloody encounter feel earned and essential to the plot. There's an intensity that explodes in every frame, and the film doesn't shy away from uncomfortable, jarring moments.

The story also told in a nonlinear narrative structure, which is another highlight. Split into six chapters, the story unfolds in a way that constantly keeps you guessing, never allowing you to get too comfortable.

It's a clever approach, as the fragmented timeline slowly reveals more about the characters, their motivations, and the larger picture. The film plays with perception, making it a mental game between the two leads. I loved how each chapter peels back the layers of this twisted situation they find themselves in and the horrors it hides.

The performances are great! Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Gallner deliver incredibly strong performances, bringing raw emotion and insane intensity to their roles. They commit fully to their characters, making you feel the tension and desperation of their dangerous situation.

Fitzgerald, in particular, is mesmerizing as her transformation over the course of the film is both chilling and compelling. Gallner brings an unpredictable menace that keeps you constantly on edge. The movie also stars Barbara Hershey and Ed Begley Jr., who elevate the film further in the scenes they shared together.

What really struck me is how well Strange Darling is directed. JT Mollner, the filmmaker behind this jacked-up tale, proves himself to be an exceptional storyteller.

His control over the pacing and tone of the film is fantastic and he knows exactly when to ratchet up the tension and when to pull back, allowing moments of quiet dread to seep in before unleashing the next storm of violence. Mollner's vision is clear and confident, and after watching this, I can't wait to see what he does next.

The movie dives deep into the psychology of its characters, particularly the idea of a serial killer's years-long murder spree across the Western United States. It's a film that leaves breadcrumbs throughout, and as you piece them together, you begin to understand just how messed up the whole situation truly is.

At its core, Strange Darling is about the blurred lines between predator and prey, and it explores these themes with a sharp, unrelenting edge.

It's a film that lingers long after the credits roll. There are no easy answers here, no clean resolutions—and that’s part of what makes it such a compelling and haunting experience.

In the end, Strange Darling is a movie that will stick with you. It’s brutal, violent, and twisted, but it’s also a thrilling and tightly crafted piece of cinema that subverts expectations at every turn.

The strong script, phenomenal acting, and sharp direction make it an absolute must-see for fans of hardcore thrillers. This was a crazy ride that I’m glad I took, and I’m eagerly awaiting whatever JT Mollner does next.

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