Review: The POWER RANGERS DECK-BUILDING GAME Storage Box is Saved by Solo Mode

Renegade Game Studios recently launched the card storage box for the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game. This is exactly what it sounds like, a fancy, Power Rangers-themed box for you to store your cards for the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game. Inside, you’ll find storage for tons of cards, rules and cards for a new solo mode, two tuckboxes for oversized cards, and a bunch of card dividers to help your organization. Renegade was kind enough to send me a box to review, but all thoughts are my own. You can purchase your own copy from Renegade or your favorite game store for about $30.

There’s quite a bit to discuss here. I am going to first talk about the box itself and then we will delve into the new solo mode of play. First thoughts are that the box looks good. It has a ton of art from the game. It’s nice although at the same time doesn’t feel as special. Even having the top have some dope unique art and then let the sides feature art from the game could’ve been a really nice touch. That said, I’m not mad about the current design. The standard card dividers are really nice and feature the cover art for their respective set. One small touch that would have taken more time would’ve been to individualize each divider based on the heading printed on them (Signature, Zords, Main, etc.). Once again, it’s not enough to be mad or even disappointed about. So far, not bad.

Unfortunately, we now get to the aspects I am not a fan of. Keep in mind that this is purely subjective. First, those tuckboxes are so flimsy that they easily come undone if it’s accidentally a little too tight. I understand the idea was to have the tuckboxes for the oversized character cards, but I think I would’ve preferred that the box was slightly larger so that I could just fit them in with the standard cards. That being said, the boxes are a solid place to put the various tokens. Another bummer is the quality of the box. Two sides feel nice and durable, but the other two are thin and feel much cheaper. I really wish they could’ve bulked up all the sides to feel nice. It’s also frustrating that there’s no great way to keep the cards standing. Some foam blocks would have been an incredible addition.

Probably the biggest disappointment though is that there are game pieces that this box is not great for. The Lair and Zord Bay pieces fit in the box, but take up an entire column which just feels like poor planning. A small storage section that stacks on top of the section with the cards would’ve done well for making this a one-box storage solution. Right now, you can store everything in this one box, but it won’t be much longer before that’s no longer true.

Now it’s time to discuss the new solo game mode. As someone who greatly enjoys playing the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game but fails to always get someone to play with him, I was pumped for the solo mode. Overall, I think it’s really well done but there are some problems. First, it’s a bad sign when the rules say to avoid selecting certain characters b because they are too complicated. That being said, having a full list of characters deemed inappropriate would’ve been better in my opinion. Also, the rules do a good job of outlining how a turn works for the opponent except it seems to omit a couple of things. For instance, at no point does it outline that your foe takes damage from adversary cards at the end of their turn. Thankfully, on the official Discord server, I was able to get that cleared up and cleared up.

The solo game isn’t perfect, but it is fun. I get frustrated at times, but I get frustrated in normal play as well. It’s an enjoyable experience and can serve as a fantastic way to try out new characters and strategies. At the end of the day, the solo mode really saves the box in my opinion.

For the price, I wish that there was a bit more thought put into the box itself. Finding a more effective way to store Lairs and Zord Bays would go a long way. Unfortunately, in its current state the box can only hold maybe two (three if you’re really lucky) more expansions before it’s no longer a single box solution. If you really like the Power Rangers Deck-Building Game, the storage box can be a decent purchase if you’ve got the spare $30, especially for the solo mode.

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