Rian Johnson Received Death Threats Over THE LAST JEDI and Says That He's Most Proud of What Made Fans Angry

Director Rian Johnson has made some new comments about his film Star Wars: The Last Jedi that is sure to give fans something more to talk about. He sure does like to say things to spark fun conversations among the fans. 

In this most recent interview with the filmmaker, he reveals that he received death threats over the film and then added that he's most proud of his decisions regarding the movie that made some of the fans so angry. At first, he explains:

"I knew intellectually what I was letting myself in for, but then when it happens you’re like, oh my God, this is intense. It’s about knowing you’re not going to please everyone. But then you still read someone saying they wish you were dead and it’s going to ruin your day."

He's sticking to his choices, though, and says it sounds like he would never change a thing about the film that he made. He's 100% standing by his final product and even says he's most proud of the things that the fans hate. He goes on to say:

"There were death threats. It’s balanced by a few things — 90 percent of the stuff I got online was not only lovely and encouraging but phenomenally thoughtful. Fans would send me essays on the movie. The other 10 percent is just loud and gets amplified. At first I was freaked out but then I realized the things people were angry about are the things I’m most proud about."

I completely understand that some fans didn't like the Last Jedi and that they were angry about it. That's fine, but damn... death threats!? That's ridiculous because it's just a movie! It's never a good time receiving a death threat from anyone. It's scary! I'll never understand how fandom can lead to someone threatening to kill someone else. 

It's good to hear that 90% of the stuff that Johnson has come across with online regarding The Last Jedi has been positive and encouraging! 

Whether you hated the movie or not, you gotta give Johnson respect for confifently standing up for his film that rocked Star Wars fandom. 

Source: /Film

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