RICK AND MORTY Gets an Awesome Must-Watch SAMURAI & SHOGUN Anime Short Film!
I know y’all want to see something awesome today, and I’ve got just the thing that is sure to brighten your day and put a great big smile on that face of yours, especially if you’re a Rick and Morty fan.
Adult Swim released n Rick and Morty anime-style short film titled Samurai & Shogun, and this thing is freakin’ epic! The anime takes inspiration from a few famous anime projects such as Lone Wolf and Cub and it follows the adventure of Rick as he takes a Shogun Morty from a group of evil Ninja Ricks.
The group of ninja Ricks attack and a violent and super bloody fight ensues! As you might expect, there’s a point where things take a trippy turn, but then it goes back into the crazy bloody violence.
The short comes complete with Japanese language and English subtitles and you can enjoy the hell out of it all you want below! I would love to see a whole series like this!