Rick Goes Insane in Animated Comedy Sketches For THE WALKING DEAD

Animation Domination released two animated The Walking Dead comedy sketches. The first is called "What Everyone Wants From The Walking Dead" and Rick basically goes batshit crazy. The second one is called and "The Allegorical Walking Dead," which is “for people watching the show in college. Or those of you on AV forums. Or just regular nerd types.”

Two Walking Dead shorts. We've got one for people who just want violence and chaos, and one for people studying TWD in college. Tune in Friday for our second Walking Dead short!

Enjoy the shorts!

ADHD Presents: Two Walking Dead shorts. We've got one for people who just want violence and chaos, and one for people studying TWD in college. Tune in Friday for our second Walking Dead short!

Our second Walking Dead short is for people watching the show in college. Or those of you on AV forums. Or just regular nerd types.

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