Rick Moranis On Why He Turned Down a Cameo in GHOSTBUSTERS Reboot

Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Ernie Hudson, and Annie Potts will all be making cameo appearances in Paul Feig's Ghostbusters reboot. Rick Moranis is really the only main character from the original films that won't be making an appearance. In an interview with THR, Moranis explained why, saying:

"I wish them well. I hope it's terrific. But it just makes no sense to me. Why would I do just one day of shooting on something I did 30 years ago? ... [It] didn’t appeal to me."

That's completely understandable. It doesn't make sense to me that all of the other actors are making a cameo in the film, especially since none of them are reprising any of their roles. When talking about remakes in general, Moranis says:

"It's hard to come up with original material. Occasionally, they get it right or else they wouldn't attempt to do these things. I'm surprised that Disney hasn't done Honey, I Shrunk the Grandkids. But I'm happy with the things I said yes to, and I'm very happy with the many things I've said no to. Yes, I am picky, and I'll continue to be picky. Picky has worked for me."

In 1997, Moranis lost his wife to breast cancer, and this caused him to focus on his family. Since then the actor has focused on work that doesn't draw a lot of attention. He has had a successful career involving voiceover work, comedy albums, and writing.

I applaud Moranis for saying no. 

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