Ridiculous Storyboard Animatic for STRETCH ARMSTRONG Movie
Remember that time when Hollywood thought Taylor Lautner was going to be the next big thing? Yeah, that didn't last long. At one point he was attached to star in a ton of big budget movie projects, one of which was an adaptation of the Stretch Armstrong toy. The movie ended up not happening after his movie Abduction tanked at the box office. Who knows if the movie will ever happen at this point.
Thanks to FilmSketchr, we have the storyboard animatic from the film for you to check out. It was created by storyboard illustrator Collin Grant and Animatic creator Jim Rothwell. I have to say, the movie looks like it would have been absolutely ridiculous. But then it's Stretch Armstrong, so what would you expect? I think maybe there is some potential in seeing some very interesting visuals in a film like this, but the movie as a whole probably would suck.
Relativity Media currently owns the movie rights to the Stretch Armstrong toy, but there's been no information on where the movie currently stands. It's probably dead, but check out the storyboard animatic and tell us if this is something you might be interested in actually seeing on the big screen.