Ridley Scott Believes Aliens Exist and That They'd Kill Us If We Challenged Them

Alien is one of the most terrifying sci-fi films ever made. The director behind the classic movie, Ridley Scott, recently shared his thoughts on the existence of real-life aliens, or as he calls them, "superior beings", during an interview with Sky.com saying:

"I believe in superior beings. I think it is certainly likely. An expert I was talking to at NASA said to me 'have you ever looked in the sky at night? You mean to tell me we are it?' That's ridiculous."

I'm not surprised that Scott believes in other beings in the universe. A lot of people do! He goes on to offer some additional info on what is out in the universe, saying:

"The experts have now put a number on it having assessed what is out there. They say that there are between 100 and 200 entities that could be having a similar evolution to us right now."

This all definitely makes for an interesting topic to talk about, but then he goes on to say that if we ever made contact with these aliens and we were stupid enough to challenge them, they'd destroy us:

"So when you see a big thing in the sky, run for it. Because they are a lot smarter than we are, and if you are stupid enough to challenge them you will be taken out in three seconds."

Maybe Scott's belief in extra-terrestrial beings is what inspired him to direct Alien in the first place. Or maybe it set him down the path of believing. Either way, it seems to have definitely inspired his current Alien movie run. 

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