Rob Liefeld Talks About High Praise for THE NEW MUTANTS From Early Test Screenings


We’ve already heard that director Josh Boone’s The New Mutants was met with a lot of positivity from the test screenings that were held for it in the past. Now, Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld is sharing what his friends who saw it thought about it.

In an interview with Inverse, Liefeld pointed out that The New Mutants was actually shot during Deadpool 2’s production, and there was a test screening for it that his friends attended way back in 2017! His friends had nothing but high praise for the film and he said:

“That New Mutants movie was shot before Deadpool 2. Next week is two years since Deadpool 2 came out. New Mutants was shot before, and I don’t know what the hell happened, dude. Now it’s on Amazon for pre-order? Just give it to us. Here’s the truth: my friends saw a test screening, and I couldn’t attend that day. I would have been able to sneak in. They loved it. Here’s what I know: all my friends who saw New Mutants in December of 2017 loved it. They loved it.”

It’s great to hear that they loved it! It’s nice to hear that a movie you’re excited about has gotten high praise. It was also recently debunked that the movie is coming to Amazon. Disney is still looking to release it in theaters. He went on to say:

“They were describing it to me, they said a couple of special effects weren’t done, but they loved it. Then it got taken off the schedule, and then Disney happened, but I hear it’s great. Here’s the deal: do you really want to go back and sit in the theater? I’m a giant movie nerd, and it’s gonna be a long time. I do not miss it… I’m not going to a theater where you can sneeze on me. I think we’ve all gotten a little agoraphobic.”

Well, I’ll be going to the theaters to watch movies again! Also, this cut of the film that everybody loved, this is the cut that will be released in theaters. Boone confirmed in a conversation on Twitter that The New Mutants movie will be the original version of the film that he always intended on making. Boone was asked if this would be the OG version of the movie that he shot. The director responded with, “I wouldn’t be promoting it here if it wasn’t.”

So, it looks like we’ve got a New Mutants movie coming out at some point that fans will hopefully love! It’s a shame that it didn’t get released earlier.

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