ROCK THE KASBAH Trailer: Bill Murray is Trapped in Afghanistan

Here's the first trailer for Rock the Kasbah, a new film from director Barry Levinson (Diner; Good Morning, Vietnam; Rain Man) that stars Bill Murray, Zooey Deschanel, Danny McBride, Kate Hudson, Scott Caan, and Bruce Willis. Sounds like a winning combination of people, right?

Well, this trailer doesn't exactly make the film out to look like much of a crowd-pleaser. I'm fully aware that this could simply be a case of a poor trailer and not have any bearing on the quality of the film itself, but as a piece of advertising that's supposed to get me excited about a movie, this trailer didn't accomplish its goal.

Murray is a living legend, but as we saw in Cameron Crowe's Aloha just a few weeks ago, even he isn't immune to occasionally delivering a bad performance. This doesn't necessarily look like bad work from the actor, per se, but the film seems like it has a lot of conflicting elements at play and based on this footage alone, I'm not sure if Levinson is able to reconcile all of them in a compelling way. I guess we'll have to wait until October 23rd to find out.

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