ROGUE ONE Co-Writer Gary Whitta Wants to Write a STAR FOX Film

Gary Whitta is a writer of many things, including Rogue One A Star Wars Story, Star Wars Rebels, and The Walking Dead. One project that he would love to work on, though, is an animated Star Fox film. Over on Twitter, Raf Grassetti recently shared a beautiful piece of Star Fox art, and Whitta responded saying that he wants to write a movie to go with it.

I would absolutely love to see this movie. Video game movie adaptations don’t exactly have the best reputation, but I think they are trending positively as time goes by. Prince of Persia was decent. Paramount listened to fans about Sonic the Hedgehog’s animation; that has to count for something, right? I think with a fantastic writer like Whitta (Rogue One is one of the best Star Wars films), we could have an amazing film for pretty much any game. Especially since it looks like he’s quite the gamer if you follow some of his threads. I think he could do some great justice to video game adaptations as long as a competent director was also attached to the project.

If Whitta did get to make a Star Fox animated film, who would you hope to see direct and hear voice the characters?

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