ROGUE ONE Photo Reveals a Deleted Scene Involving Darth Vader


Lucasfilm’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is one of the better Star Wars films released under the Disney banner, but the production process was a complete mess and a lot of the film had to be reshot. That means there’s a lot of stuff that ended up on the cutting room floor. Some of those cut scenes were even featured in the trailers for the movie.

ILM animation director Hal Hickel recently shared a photo from another scene that was cut from the movie, and it involved Darth Vader. The shot features a scene between Vader and an imperial officer. Grand Admiral Tarkin is also said to have been a part of this scene and having a conversation with Vader.

This scene may have been included in one of the trailers, but I don’t recall. Anyway, Darth Vader ended up having one of the most badass scenes ever in the film as he rips his way through a hallway filled with rebels during the climax of the film. Damn, that scene was awesome!

Anyway, it would have been nice to get a little more Vader in the film, but in the end, I loved how things turned out. I would love to see an alternate cut of the film one day showing us what might have been.

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