Roleplay Through Absurd Superhero Ideas with STAGED HEROISM TTRPG on Kickstarter

Mike Myler and John Kennedy recently launched a new tabletop RPG Kickstarter with NerdBurger Games. Titled Staged Heroism, the game is inspired by cartoons like The Venture Bros. that point to absurd superhero ideas and looks hilarious. Utilizing rules-light mechanics in an effort to keep games quick and imaginative (as well as hilarious), players will see themselves as heroes, villains, sidekicks, or secret agents working to join or bring down crazy organizations such as the Coalition of Super Teams or Institute of Theoretical Science and Technology.

In the past, heroes were heroic and villains were villainous, but they all hung up their capes eventually. Each new age of crime has made these epic rivalries as much of a commodity as anything else in the world—part of a regulated and unionized industry.

Staged Heroism seeks to capture the feel of Venture Bros.’ (and similar cartoons’) super-heroics and super-villainy, all slathered over with a tongue-in-cheek absurdism at how even the mighty and powerful can ultimately succumb to crushed dreams and failures of epic proportions.

The Kickstarter for Staged Heroism runs through April 14 and has already passed it’s modest goal of $3,000. You can score a PDF of the game for only $15 which is not a bad deal and there are other great deals available.

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