Rooster Teeth Created 5E Character Sheets for Team RWBY — GeekTyrant

Rooster Teeth Created 5E Character Sheets for Team RWBY

The team over at Rooster Teeth have been playing an original RWBY campaign using 5th Edition rules in RWBY: The Grimm Campaign, and they recently had some fun by creating some character sheets for team RWBY on Facebook. We see that Ruby is a level 8 Aasimar Ranger with the Soldier background, Weiss is a level 9 Wizard/Cleric High Elf with the Noble background, Blake is a level 8 Tabaxi Rogue with the Folk Hero background, and Yang is a level 11 Fire Genasi Barbarian/Monk with the Soldier background. It’s pretty cool to look over these sheets and just see what these characters are in the eyes of the showrunners. How would you have built these characters? What do you think the sheets for team JNPR would look?

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