Rosamund Pike Stars in Trailer for Amazon's Marie Curie Biopic RADIOACTIVE

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We’ve got a new trailer for you to check out for the Marie Curie biopic, Radioactive, coming to Amazon Prime. Rosamund Pike stars as the physicist and chemist who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize for her research on radioactivity, the only woman to win the award twice, and the only person to win in two separate scientific fields. Curie discovered the element Radium, alongside her husband, Pierre, and coined the term “radioactivity.”

Pike is joined in the cast by Sam RileyAnya Taylor-JoyAneurin BarnardSimon Russell BealeJonathan ArisCorey JohnsonTim Woodward, and Harriet Turnbull. The film is directed by Marjane Satrapi.

Here’s the synopsis:

From the 1870s up to the modern era, Radioactive is a journey through Marie Curie's (Rosamund Pike) enduring legacies – her passionate relationships, scientific breakthroughs, and the consequences that followed for her and for the world. After meeting fellow scientist Pierre Curie (Sam Riley), the pair go on to marry and change the face of science forever by their discovery of radioactivity. The genius of the Curies' world-changing discoveries and the ensuing Nobel Prize propels the devoted couple into the international limelight. A bold, visionary depiction of the transformative effects and ensuing fallout of the Curie's work and how this shaped the defining moments of the 20th Century.

Check out the trailer and poster below, and watch Radioactive on Amazon Prime on July 24th.

RADIOACTIVE is the incredible, true-story of Marie Skłodowska Curie and her ground-breaking scientific achievements that revolutionized medicine with her dis...

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