Ryan Parrot Teases the Return of the Dark Rangers in MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS

I was on social media the other day, just scrolling through when BAM! I saw a new image from Ryan Parrott, the writer for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers by BOOM! Studios. The artwork is absolutely incredible and he’s teasing the return of the Dark Rangers, but this time, they actually look awesome. The Dark Rangers were some bullies that Lord Zedd recruited in the second season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and their costumes looked awful. However, these Dark Rangers appear to be Rita, Goldar, Baboo, Squat, and Finster in sick armor.

This image is supposedly the cover for MMPR #53 and now I cannot wait! This summer, we’re supposed to be getting MMPR #50 and now I’m going to have a hard time waiting for the next few to release so we can get to this. What is going to happen!?

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