Ryan Reynolds Recorded Some R-Rated Jokes for DETECTIVE PIKACHU
The reviews for Detective Pikachu have been rolling in, and for the most part, critics seem to be loving it. I’ve been seeing the words “cute,” “adorable,” and “heartfelt” in a lot of the reviews I’ve read.
When Detective Pikachu was first announced, we all knew that it was going to be a PG or PG-13-rated film, but that didn’t stop Ryan Reynolds from recording R-rated jokes for the movie! While talking to CB, Reynolds said:
“You know, some things would come out a little PG-13, bordering on rated R. So, that stuff didn’t make it, but the great thing about this role is that you can be totally edgy and push it but still stay within the boundaries of a movie you can take little kids to.”
Reynolds continued and explained that he would take several passes at any one line, and some of those passes were a bit more vulgar than others:
“It’s just throwing like 800 versions of any joke or any moment up against a wall and leaving it up to some poor editor to sort through and figure out.”
It would be fun to get to hear some of these jokes! Reynolds previously told Kotaku, “You could probably squeeze together a Rated-R cut if someone went looking for it in the edit, I’m sure. God forbid they would.”
I seriously doubt that would happen, and there are no plans for a cut like that to be released, but I kinda wish it would. How about you? Would you like to see an R-rated Detective Pikachu film get released?