Sam Neill Is Genuinely Confused by the MCU in Interview on the Set of THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER
Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) has returned to the MCU after having played an Asgardian actor who portrayed Odin in Thor: Ragnarok. He is back on set for Thor: Love and Thunder, but don’t ask him to explain what’s going on in the movie. It’s not just that he’s contractually obligated not to talk about the film, but he genuinely doesn’t know.
In a recent radio interview with Nova’s Fitzy, Wippa and Sarah McGilvray (via Australia’s, Neill admitted that he has no idea what’s going on in the MCU story-wise, and doesn’t even know what planet he’s on at any given time. He explained:
I’ve never understood any of the Thor films, in fact the whole Marvel universe is a complete mystery to me. I mean I was standing beside Jenny Morris (on the set of Thor: Ragnarok) and I said, 'Do you know what planet we’re on?' To be honest I was completely baffled, I came back I was baffled again, I did my bit, I don’t know who are playing who exactly because they are sort of swapping roles.
So I guess Neill isn’t a big MCU follower. Although, I can totally understand him being confused about the film he’s currently shooting. He doesn’t have a starring role, so he may not even have the whole script. Plus things are shot out of order, and he’s not seeing the big picture come together. It’s pretty funny to hear him come out and say it though!
Thor: Love and Thunder is set to hit theatres on May 6th, 2021. Less than a year now!