Scarlet Witch Featured in New Promo Art For CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR
Thanks to MCU Exchange, we have some additional promo art for Captain America: Civil War. Each piece offers us a new look at the character being played by Elizabeth Olsen. This is one of the most powerful characters in the MCU and I love the new look they gave her in Civil War. These pieces of concept art give us the best look that we’ve seen of Scarlet Witch so far.
She’ll be fighting alongside Captain America in the Civil War, and she’s the most powerful member of his team. It will be interesting to see how they actually utilize her in the story. I hope it’s more than just a couple of scenes. I’d really like to see this character grow further. It’s safe to assume she’ll be in Avengers: Infinity War, but I don’t think she’ll ever get a solo film.
It sounds like this movie is going to be a huge hit. We've already heard from the director that the film's finale is "brutal, both physically and emotionally" and according to someone that has already seen it via Birth.Movies.Death, "the last act plays out as an emotional horror movie because the film gives both Tony and Steve solid reasoning, and because it truly makes you feel the depths of this schism."
It's hard not to be excited for this movie, and I think it's going to give us something special. The movie will be released on May 6th!