Scarlet Witch is Described as a Wild Card in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR
I’m really happy that Joss Whedon and Marvel introduced Scarlet Witch into the MCU. She’s a great character, and I’m excited to see where these upcoming Marvel movies take her. She has gone through a lot of crazy shit in her life, including the (spoiler alert) death of her brother in Avengers: Age of Ultron. You'd imagine she might be going through some difficult emotional times. As it turns out, though, in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War, she’s doing OK.
While talking to MTV about her character in the film, actress Elizabeth Olsen explains Scarlet Witch's state of mind and says that she is a wild card:
“She’s OK. She’s doing alright. She’s confused, she’s conflicted. She’s found some people she thinks she connects with, but she’s doing alright. They released images of Team Cap and Team Iron Man. She wasn’t there. She’s always the wild card. I like being the wild card.”
She goes on to talk about her the evolution of her movements. As you know, she’s very animated in her body and hands movements while she is casting spells. She says:
“It’s not a new hand technique per say. We’re trying to grow her movement as a whole… Jenny and I have great pride in trying to make this a huge transformation — the next time we see her — of her abilities.”
So I guess we’re going to see some new things from her in the Civil War. Maybe she’ll contort her fingers in crazy and new exciting ways! Captain America: Civil War will be released on May 6th, 2016.