Scarlett Johansson Confirms Her Mystery Marvel Project Is Still in the Works

A couple of years ago, it was announced that Scarlett Johansson and Kevin Feige were teaming up to produce a mystery Marvel film project that doesn’t involve her character Black Widow. This “Top-Secret” project is something completely separate, and while we have no idea what this project is, Johansson has confirmed that it’s still in the works. During a recent interview with CB, she said:

"It is still happening. Yes. It is still happening, [but] not currently because nothing is happening right now. We're all sort of in this holding pattern as we wait out the writers' strike and potentially our own guild strike, and so on and so forth."

She went on to say, "Right before the strike, we were in the middle of developing it, and now everything is at a simmer.” Kevin Feige is the person that initially announced the project and at the time, he said:

"We are already working with Scarlett on another non-Black Widow-related top-secret Marvel Studios project with her as a producer. Scarlett is one of the most talented, versatile and beloved actors of our time. It has truly been a pleasure to work with someone of her caliber. From those epic training sessions preparing for the hallway fight in Iron Man 2, to the around the world press tour in Avengers: Endgame to partnering with you as a producer on Black Widow, working with you Scarlett has truly been one of the most memorable and rewarding collaborations of my career.

"As Marvel's Studios first and longest-running female hero, Scarlett has stood her ground amongst a sea of men — many named Chris — and paved the way for so many other characters in the MCU: Carol Danvers, Wanda Maximoff, Shuri, Jennifer Walters, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan, just to name but a few. Scarlett embodied Natasha brilliantly over an incredible action-packed period spanning 11 years, eight films featuring countless stunts and fight scenes, a Civil War, an Infinity War, and dozens of different hairstyles, all culminating in one of the MCU's most anticipated standalone movies, Black Widow."

It’ll be interesting to see what this secret Marvel project ends up being. If I had to guess, though, I’d say it might be that big all-female Marvel team-up movie that has been teased over the years. But, who knows? One day we’ll find out what she and Feige have got cooking!

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