I was recently sent a copy of Schitt’s Creek Love That Journey Party Game by the good people at Funko. Overall, the quality of the game is really good, the game board is sturdy, the player tokens won’t fall apart after one play through, and the cards are nice and sturdy. The game is great for fans of Schitt’s Creek, but if you only have a vague knowledge about it this game will not be very fun for you.

The game itself is very simple to play. You travel across the board that feature staples of the town Schitt’s Creek answering one of two types of questions. There are questions that ask you which character would do a prompt and others that ask what you would do in certain circumstances. You pick your answer, then the other players try to guess what you said. If they get it right they move forward a space and if more than half of them get it right you also move forward. It’s all about not only knowing the people you play with, but also knowing what your friends think of each of the characters from the show. You can also play a rose token if you are confident of your answer to move forward two spaces with a correct answer. The rose token can only be used twice a game, so you should be very confident such as asking which character would you go to for fashion advice? Moira or Bob? The cards that determine the match ups include pictures of the characters just in case you need the extra help to remember who they are.

I had a lot of fun playing the game. I liked that when asking about characters it was random every time. The deck of character cards also included two cards with previous player and next player, so your friends could also be part of the comparison sometimes. Being a big fan of the show and playing with others who also really liked it, it was really funny to see the matchups made and the reasons we would pick one character over the other. For example, I was asked who I would call in an emergency, Alexis or Stevie. I picked Alexis because I felt with all her life experiences there wasn’t an emergency she couldn’t figure out how to fix while those I played with would have picked Stevie for being more reliable. One thing was certain, Moira was almost always the correct answer when she showed up. 

I think the only problem with this game is you have to know the show fairly well to play. For example, Patrick is a character that gets asked about, but he didn’t show up until season 3. I’m not saying this is a bad thing for fans, I just think that it would be hard to pull this game out amongst a group if you don’t know their general knowledge of the show. Even the cards that don’t ask you to choose between characters can have questions about the show, possibly asking about attending the party of a certain character. To me, this really limits how often the game can be pulled out and played.

Overall, I really enjoyed this game and I think that it achieved exactly what it was trying to do. The only drawback for me is that I feel like I can't pull it out with groups of friends very often. Given all this, I would rank this game an 9/10, if you and a lot of your friends really like Schitt’s Creek then I would really recommend getting this game. 

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